TBR Hot Spot

Hi!!! I’m SO excited to announce that I just started a GoodReads Group, TBR Hot Spot!!! (Special Thanks to Trina from @btwnchapters and Kayla Rayne from @KaylaRayne_ for their help and guidance)

If you love books and have a crazy large TBR Pile, this could be the group for you! It’s easy, low maintenance and very casual! Here’s my idea….

Basically, what I’m trying to do is create a community or a “spot” if you will, where readers can come together and encourage each other to finish their TBR piles.

I see so many people on Twitter/Channels/Blogs/Instagram mention how they want to finish the books they have this year, but it’s hard.

My idea is for someone to come into this group, state the books on their TBR pile (or top priorities) and have others give POSITIVE feedback about that book. “Hyping” that book up for them. PLEASE, no negative comments. We want to encourage others to finish their piles, not shy away. If you dislike a particular book mentioned (and that is completely understandable), please refrain from commenting, unless asked directly. This way, other people’s opinions (some of which we may never have agreed with anyway?) can’t influence us into thinking negative thoughts before we even give the book a shot. Make sense?

I think the biggest trouble we find with our piles (the reason they BECOME piles :P) is because we hear or see something exciting about a book. We grab that book up! Then, we see a new video or a new blog post. Ooo there’s a new and exciting book! We now want the “new” shiny book. Eventually, we forget why we bought the original books. Maybe if we can help each other rediscover that “shininess” we can conquer our piles!

Please feel free to post your TBR pile list on my new Group “TBR HOT SPOT”. If you own a book another member posted, and you love that book, please comment. Share the love of books with each other! My goal is to keep this Group open until the end of 2017 or until no one is interested anymore. Hehe As of Jan-March, I will be dealing with some family commitments. I’m still going to be commenting as much as I can and overseeing the positivity! Hopefully you can all help me as much as I want to help you! Happy Reading!

Please spread the word! RT or share on GR! The more members we have, the more positivity we can spread! Hopefully this idea can not only eliminate/lessen our TBR piles, but also get us out of horrible reading slumps. Let’s come together and smash those piles!

Please NOTE: You can come and go in this group. Post your TBR pile and check it as often as you like for comments. No commitments. Post comments on other members lists and then check out for a bit. This is easy and carefree. No stress. That’s my goal! 🙂 Good Luck!

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